Feminine Hygiene Products: Toxic Ingredients & Natural Alternatives

06 September 2017
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Feminine Hygiene Products: Toxic Ingredients & Natural Alternatives

feminine hygiene products


The kind of feminine hygiene products one uses is not often talked about despite its importance in women’s overall hygiene.

The skin, as well all know, is the largest and thinnest organ in the body. It is highly permeable, especially in the areas around the vagina and the vagina itself.

Its anatomical composition demands special attention when it comes to the ingredients in sanitary pads and tampons.

Remember, that there are items that may end up in the bloodstream and its effects may be more lethal than eating them.

The chemicals that get inside the system through the skin are absorbed directly into the bloodstream without any sort of filtration. All these will end up in the delicate organs.

Over time, they will accumulate because it has already hampered your body from producing the enzymes that are necessary for breaking them down.

Your exposure to the harmful chemicals of feminine hygiene products throughout your lifetime, with 16,800 tampons for the average American woman’s lifetime, can be likened to a ticking time bomb. You will never know when your body gives up on it.

What harmful chemicals are in tampons and sanitary pads?

Most of the today's feminine products are composed of viscose, rayon, and non-organic cotton.

Viscose and rayon are potentially harmful because they are made up of highly absorbent fibers. These elements in tampons can stick right into the walls of the vagina.

When the tampon is removed, the loosened fibers may stay behind your body, significantly raising your risk of developing toxic shock syndrome (TSS).

Are there safer feminine hygiene product alternatives?

Yes, there are better alternatives. The FDA is continuously regulating tampon absorbency and that all available tampons should meet the standard absorption guidelines.

A Microbiology and Pathology clinical professor at NYU Medical Centre, Dr. Philip Tierno revealed that tampons which claim that they are 100 percent cotton are tested for TSS toxins.

Generally, this kind are safer than most other made available for public consumption. Here are a few brands of sanitary pads and tampons that have been recommended by experts for their organic cotton components:


  • Natracare Tampons & Sanitary Pads

The brand’s tampons are safer because they are made up of 100% organic cotton. It means that it is made free from harmful ingredients like plastic, rayon, and dye.

If you belong to the population that is at high risk of easily developing an infection, it is extremely necessary to use organic cotton feminine hygiene products.

Natracare sanitary pads, on the other hand, are certified organic cotton. They are ecologically friendly in the sense that they are composed of cornstarch, cellulose pulp, and non-toxic glue. Without a doubt, they are a smart pick.


  • Seventh Generation Tampons

Their tampons are manufactured out of organic cotton. They are discolored without using chlorine; hence, no dye and fragrance components.

When the packaging emphasizes their use of odor neutralizers and fragrance, you may pretty well conclude that it has harmful chemicals.


  • Emerita Tampon

Every time women purchase tampons, experts recommend that they should scan through the list of ingredients and spot for components like synthetics, artificial colors, phthalates, BPA, and polypropylene.

Emerita tampons were made without common ingredients that usually cause health issues including chlorine, perfume, rayon, and synthetics.


  • Super Jennie Cup

There are women that are more comfortable with menstrual cups than anything else. One thing that is commendable with this product is that it is chemical-free, made out of silicon.

It is free from rubber, latex, and plastic elements. Experts have claimed that silicone cups are good for those diagnosed with latex allergies because it is non-absorbent in that it also does not dry out the female’s reproductive system.

Just remember that in choosing for a feminine cup to use, choosing according to safety, accessibility, and ease of use.

Also, only go for a period cup when you are willing to give out the needed effort. You will have to empty and wash it at least two times a day.


  • GladRags Undyed Day Pads

The product also requires some commitment because you will have to clean it in between use. The GladRags are used in two major systems.

It has a cotton holder, which could be snapped around the underwear, and a pad that can be placed in a holder. Both of these parts are reusable.

When the pad is saturated, it should go to the laundry basket with its holder for washing.  The pad is the least invasive of all the options.

Also, it eliminates the need for an adhesive because it will not stick to the underwear.

No doubt, ditching the use of commercial products is one smart move to improving personal care. This way, a woman can make sure that her reproductive health is kept safe.

Going for disposable organic products or a natural reusable material like a menstrual cup is not only safe and effective, but convenient and environmental-friendly too.

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