Things You Need to Know About Reproductive and Sexual Health

13 April 2018
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Things You Need to Know About Reproductive and Sexual Health

reproductive and sexual health


Women have become more aware of the importance of their sexual health than years back. They now spare time to consult a healthcare provider when questions about these matters arise.

Seeking medical care to learn more about how to maintain a healthy sexual well-being and reproductive health are now in the list of their priorities.

The World Health Organization defines reproductive health as those functions and processes that are responsible for safe and satisfying sex life and healthy reproduction anytime they want to.  

Sexual health, on the other hand, is being mentally, physically, and socially fine with regards to sexual relationships; safe and pleasurable sexual experiences without violence, discrimination, and coercion.

Women are now concerned about self-protection and sexual health

With sex, for instance, women are now wiser in choosing partners. Majority in the female gender go for partners, who practice respect in all aspects of their being- boundaries, work, and sexual health.

Amongst the biggest change in enhanced sexual and reproductive health awareness practice is the decision to visit a healthcare provider regularly.

The gynecologist recommends vaccines like those against HPV to improve the level of individual protection as well as laboratory screens for sexually transmitted diseases, especially for those sexually active.

Safeguarding sexual health through periodical tests for infections are the most encouraged amongst women with multiple partners. However, even those in long-term monogamous relationships should be checked.

At times, infections come without visible symptoms, so regular screenings are important.


The sexual and reproductive health has many components

  • Parental care

The nine months of being pregnant is not the most difficult part of being a mother. Years of tantrums, growing teeth, fevers, and poop trainings are waiting to be traversed. Most of the time, a mother will need additional medical assistance; the exact reason why reproductive health involves services and facilities that promote safe motherhood. Parental care is designed to monitor women from neonatal period, pregnancy, delivery, perinatal, breastfeeding, and everything else in the postnatal period.

  • Infertility and sexual dysfunctions

Most women meet with healthcare professionals to effectively space births; however, there are also those who are struggling tremendously just to conceive. The reproductive healthcare aims to help those who desire to become parents. Through providing them with the correct information, treatment, medicine, and even alternative fertility methods, they are educated about how to better increase their chances of conception.

  • Family planning.

In the family planning component, information on contraception are made available. Individuals can be informed about just the right size of family, the best ways of making it happen, and how far apart each pregnancy must occur.

  • Safe termination of pregnancy.

While abortion always has a negative impact to many, there are several reasons why women consider it. For most of them, it is unplanned pregnancy, but for some others, it is health complications. For these reasons, it is necessary that safe services are available for pregnancy termination. A lot of countries still prohibit the act of abortion, mostly because of religious reasons. In these countries, abortion is likened to murder; hence, made illegal. What they do not know is that illegal abortions often bring fatal harm to the pregnant woman because they lead to unnecessary complications. In reproductive health, safe pregnancy termination and its aftermath are the huge concerns.

  • Prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections

These infections may happen to anyone, especially those practicing active sex life. Many of these infections are short and harmless, but some bring more severe health impacts such as AIDS. With infections that cannot be treated anymore, sexual and reproductive health centers provide education on how to live with the symptoms. Information like taking medicine at scheduled times and fighting the social stigma that comes with it are just two of what they try to spread across the globe.

  • Sexual education

Women who have reached sexual maturity must be taught with matters about “what is safe sex?” “what is reproduction?” and ”why is contraception important?” Mainly because of religious foundations, many families prohibit these subjects in households and even schools. However, this attempt of “protecting” kids from introducing this matter only puts them at high risk of complex reproductive system infections. Knowing nothing about reproduction and sexual health may lead these kids to practice unsafe sexual behaviors. Sex education, for this matter, has been enhanced to become age-appropriate. Also, women in their teenage years are already educated that sex is endorphin booster and stress relief. Reproductive and sexual health aims to teach people that sex is not only a tool for reproduction; it is also an effective method of strengthening mutual relationships.

  • Safe sexual practices improve general well-being.

For decades, sex has been directly associated with infectious diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases are rampant, so women are made aware that it can be acquired through unprotected anal, oral, and vaginal sex. Other factors that increase women’s risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases include sharing needles, multiple sex partners, and untreated sexually transmitted infection. Learning about the method of transmission and its warning signs are important in the prevention or treatment of these diseases.

Reproductive and sexual health are important to healthy mental, physical, and social well-being. Excellent reproductive and sexual health means women can enjoy safe and satisfying sex life as well as reproduce anytime they want.

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